Kibale Forest National Park

Kibale Forest Reseve, 25 km south of Fort Portal is home to the highest density of primates in Africa. Readily Kibale Forest National Park is one of Uganda’s own the world is yearning for an eye click. The dense tropical rain forest is worthy a pay to experience the real Eden contains the breath of the creation. Have travelled to numerous destinations but if never had time here, please plan one before others advance their trip to this forest.

Formally Kibale National Park is known for hosting the highest number of primate species naming it the world primate capital. Departing from Kampala, Kibale Forest is located in the western region at the foothills of Rwenzori Mountains adjacent to Fort Portal City covering a distance of 308km/h from Kampala. Kibale national park is the biggest rainforest park in Uganda covering an area of 795sq/km and it inhabiting a number of wildlife species spare headed by the Chimpanzees.

While the main attraction are the chimpanzee, other primates include the red-tailed monkey, vervet, L Hoest’s. blue monkey, grey cheeked manabey, red colobus, black and white colobus, and olive baboon. Over 300 bird species can be found within the park boundries. Kibale Forest has involved the local community in eco-tourism projects and preservation of wildlife. Both staff and community are enthustastic about the future of the park and animal/bird species within – well done- .

Visitation fees are $7 for non residents and $5 for residents. You may camp inside the park for $10 which is a great experience. Nearby Bogodi Wetland Santuary and Lake Nkuruba are well worth visiting with Lake Nkuruba running a campsite with camping, bandas and a small hut overlooking the lake. The forest around the small crater lake is home to much wildlife and often visited by chimpanzee as they travel through the area.

Things to Do in Kibale Forest National Park

After the popular gorilla safaris, Kibale Forest is the second most popular destination for primate safaris in Uganda. This should be your next destination to track the incredible Chimpanzees, man’s closest cousins. Sometimes Kibale is an alternative to primate trackers who feel can’t afford the highly priced gorilla permits. Having a time to stay in such a dense forest is one of highly awarding things that the world remained to offer.

Chimpanzee Tracking

Kibale National Park is a perfect destination to track chimpanzees in Uganda, East Africa and Africa. Encountering chimpanzees here exceeds the tracking but the lifetime experience when contacting an eye to eye with the forest giants. Deciding to track one of the habituated chimpanzee group here is undoubtedly highlights your travel dairy because the activity premier other things to do within the park, on the estimated population of 3000 chimpanzee population in Uganda Kibale is thought of having about 1500 chimpanzees.

Tracking chimpanzees here for the regular tracking spend with the apes an hour in their presence and some trackers can decide to spend more hours with the chimpanzees for Chimpanzee Habituation process. The cost of the tracking permit is driven by which tracking activity to partake including the regular tracking and habituation.

Bird Watching

Kibale Forest National Park is equally an important birding area in Uganda and while on Uganda birding tour, have a chance to spot out bird species such as the white winged warbler, white collared Olive back, papyrus canary, papyrus Gonolek, western green ticker bird, African grey parrot and endemic ground thrush, black bee-eater, yellow spotted nicator, yellow romped tinker bird, Abyssinian ground thrush, crowned eagle, brown chested alethe, purple breasted sunbird, red faced woodland warbler, black capped apalis, blue headed sunbird a mention but a few. As well, you can also take part in cultural encounters, children activities, nature walks among others.

Nature Walks

Get the best of what Kibale Forest National Park has to offer only by embarking on a nature walk.  With nature walks, you have a chance to explore different habitats in this park including its pristine forest, grassland and other sites with variety of primate species, bird species, tree species and plants.

How Access to Kibale National Park

Kibale National Park is conveniently located for travelers and offers various ways to reach it. Whether you prefer the flexibility of a private road trip or the ease of public transportation, the journey is relatively straightforward. Its proximity to other popular attractions like Murchison Falls, Queen Elizabeth, and Bwindi Impenetrable National Parks makes it an ideal addition to your Ugandan safari itinerary.

By Road

Kibale is approximately 300 km west of Kampala and 38 km south of Fort Portal. If traveling from Queen Elizabeth National Park, the distance is about 65 km. Opting for a private road trip provides the most flexibility and opportunities to explore other destinations along the way.

Public buses offer a reliable and budget-friendly way to reach Kibale.

By Air

Fort Portal Airport (8km from the town) and Kasese Airport (near Queen Elizabeth National Park) are the closest airstrips suitable for light aircraft. Consider scheduling private charter flights from Entebbe International Airport or Kajjansi Airfield to save time and conveniently reach the park.